*********OM NAMA SIVAYA*********
“Prabhum Prananatham Vibhum Viswanatham
Jagannatha Natham Sadanandabhajam
Bhaval Bhavya Bootheswaram Boothanatham
Sivam Sangaram Sambumeesanameede.”
(Sree Siva Sthuti- Brahmma Vyvartha Puranam).
It was one of the temples built by the Rulers of Erstwhile State of Kochi . Here facing east Siva blesses his devotees with Devi Paravthy facing west. Ganapathi, Ayyappa, Nagayekshi are the other Sub-deities.
However among them Ayyappa blessing from the southern side of the outer sanctum attains more prominence. Since presence of Ayyappa is in the nature of “Nitya Brahmachari” same as of Sabarimala here too ladies are restricted from entering the outer sanctum of Ayyappa Temple .
“Dara” on Sivalinga with 1001 pots of water has significant place among offerings here. Eight days “Sivarathri Mahothsavam” is celebrated in the month of Kumbam.